Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tampere Baptist Church

This is a picture of the Baptist Church in Tampere, Finland, It is located at Kissanmaankatu 19. I have attended their Sunday morning service twice.
The people at the church were friendly and welcomed me. There is a nice lady who translates the service into English. She sits behind the last pew on the left side, and those who need the translation sit on the last pew and listen to her.
An older lady told me that this is the oldest Free Church in Finland. This would mean that it was the first church in Finland that was not connected to the state church. The state church is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. She told me that this church is over 100 years old.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you read this. I have a friend in Findland,Temere who wants to go to a Baptist Church and I was wondering if this is the same one I found for her. The one I found is International Baptist Church‎ (Järvensivuntie 9, 33100 Tampere, Finland - +358 3 265 1982‎)
Please E-mail me if you know. My E-mail is
Thank you so much.

9:05 AM  
Blogger David Frank Wilson said...

Not sure if this is the same. The website for the church I attended is This has contact information. However, it is all in Finnish.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, this is acomment to the inquiry about the Baptist churches in Tampere, Finland. There are two, the one picture on this website with street address in Kissanmaankatu and the International Baptist church with the street address in Järvensivuntie. They are different in doctrine, do make yourself familiar in English with the information of the International Baptist church at It is a small fellowship of dedicated followers of Christ. I am not a member, but know the leaders personally. The Lord bless and lead you.

3:32 PM  

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