Sunday, November 05, 2006

Emergency Drill

My wife and I were among the first passengers to board. You can wait up until one hour before sailing to board, but we had to check out of the hotel at 11 AM. So we were on board by 1 PM. The sailing was at 8 PM.

For those who board early the ship has a buffet lunch ready. So we ate lunch, and walked around the ship. We went on a tour of the onboard spa.

Late in the afternoon, they have a life boat drill, so that you know where your muster station is, and what you should do in an emergency. This picture is of my wife and I in our life jackets during the drill. Those who board after the drill is done, are required to take part in an emergency drill the next morning. Just like when the instructions are given on a plane, people tend to talk over or ignore the person explaining the emergency procedures.


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